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Diana Kiaee is a Persian artist born in Birmingham, England. Through her life sized interdisciplinary canvas drawings of translucent lepidopteran forms using diluted pen ink and mobile sculptures using bent wire, Kiaee attempts to depict her memory of taking part in the childhood ritual of chasing butterflies. These ephemerally charged memory depictions that attempt to hold a tangible form through sewn patches and beads, mark the distinct moments within her memory; moments prior, during, and subsequent to the odd moment of transformation that occurs. The transformation of what was perceived to be a butterfly into a moth; a moth that prior to this, had already gone through many layers of transformation on its own. Essentially, through these depictions, the artist attempts to preserve the moment of transformation that occurs within this memory, and therefore attempts to preserve the ephemeral. Kiaee has recently completed a BFA in Drawing and Painting at OCAD University, and is in the process of pushing the technique of these depictions further.  

i n s t a g r a m


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